IBM Ring 10 and SAM Assembly 31 invite you to a Magic Lecture by Alain Nu.
Join us for a special lecture from an underground legend who has his own TV show!
Throughout his entire life, Alain Nu, The Man Who Knows, has been looking at life with an unusual perspective and doing amazing things. Starting at a very early age, with interests in uncanny phenomena, hypnosis, eastern mysticism and illusions, Alain realized for himself a fantastic world of possibilities and interesting explorations.
Alain Nu, The Man Who Knows, will present a magic lecture at the the Irvington United Methodist Church, 30 North Audubon Road, Indianapolis, IN 46219. It will be on Wednesday, May 25 at 7 pm. Admission $25, magicians under 18 $15. See what he will teach in the lecture below.
Also, Alain would like to give a Workshop from 4-6 pm prior to the lecture. Prepare to learn metal bending from a master of the art.
The cost is $125 for 2 hours and you will receive one of his $50 manuscripts for free.
There needs to be a minimum of 5 attendees with a maximum of 12.
You must email Jim Croop (317-726-0811; jcroop@iu.edu) as soon as possible so we can determine if we will have the workshop and if you want to reserve a space.
More information on Alain Nu at his webpage http://www.themanwhoknows.tv and his Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Alain-Nu-The-Man-Who-Knows-68697657798/
Alain Nu's lecture will include:
Deep philosophy on the subject of mind reading and mentalism
An impromptu multiple object test
Nu's unparalleled thoughts on the Any Card At Any Number premise
Astounding (and entertaining) over-the-phone mentalism principles
Diabolical synchronicities using ESP symbols
Alain's modern classic impromptu book test
A super-clever impromptu newspaper test
Secret thoughts on determining the zodiac sign of a spectator
A truly amazing impromptu drawing duplication
"I've known Alain for more than 20 years. He is a mentalist with a message. He amazes and inspires... He walks the edge of belief and disbelief." - Jeff McBride
"Alain Nu is someone who quite literally practices what he preaches. His Zen-like approach to performance is a lesson we can all benefit from. You'll be pleased that you spent time learning from his masterful approach to mentalism." - Colin McLeod
"When I am with my friend Alain Nu, I always learn something. Now, so can you. When Alain speaks, I listen. Alain is one of mentalism’s great thinkers and teachers. His creations are practical, incredibly well thought out and thoroughly entertaining. His work will delight you, amaze you, and make you think. If you have even a passing interest in the art of mentalism, Alain Nu’s lecture will be an enlightening experience." Jon Stetson
"Alain's knowledge is so in depth it is hard not to be excited by the principles and techniques he shares. Anything Alain shares listen, it's real-world, working, hard hitting and really clever. Me and Alain have talked frequently over the last few years and jammed on many occasions, I feel I am a better performer for knowing him!" Peter Turner
Workshop Information
For those who attend this workshop, I will offer one FREE copy of one of my manuscripts which used to retail (before going out of print) for $50 plus postage. They will be offered to LIVE lecture attendees for $35 as a special lecture discount, as well. But it is technically a FREE $50 manuscript of their choice, just for attending the workshop... Which basically means that they are technically getting to attend the workshop for only $75! Interested? Please read on:
Mind Over Matter & Metal Bending with The Man Who Knows Workshop: 2 hrs: $125
In this introductory workshop, Alain will feature the art of his rarely-seen work on moving objects while allegedly using the powers of his mind as well as a sample excerpt of his annual metal bending workshop, Systems of Transforming Metal. Here, he plans on revealing the real world of metal bending along with two (or more) of his original handlings to bending spoons as well as his thoughts on bending coins. The principles and presentations taught during this class will require a deeper and advanced understanding of both magic and mentalism, which is why it is best to experience them first-hand from a true master of this art-form during an intensive workshop environment. Prepare to have your minds blown in ways you will not expect. Alain Nu presents for mostly corporate and special events, casinos, cruise ships and theaters. In other words, he is a real world performer who specializes in his own original form of creativity and expression. Prepare yourself to witness personal principles, techniques, ideas and philosophies that will take you into realms you may never have thought possible. It is a rare treat when anyone gets to see what lies beneath the surface of The Man Who Knows!
(This workshop requires a minimum of 5 interested participants / maximum of 12)