New Officer Installation

Our July meeting was highlighted by the installation of Assembly 31 2015-16 officers: President, Don Miller, 1st Vice President, Taylor Martin (absent in body but present in spirit), 2nd Vice President, Aaron Kalinowski, Secretary, Karen Miller, Treasurer, Dale Benson, and Scribe, Steve Spence. President Miller announced that we have a lot of wonderful and exciting plans in the works for the coming year. Both he and Central Plains RVP Steve Spence briefly recapped this year’s S.A.M. Philadelphia convention. This fabulous convention was filled with some amazing magic and a friendly down home atmosphere. Don and Steve reminded everyone that next year’s convention is here in Indianapolis and is not to be missed.

As part of this evening’s festivities, the officers were encouraged to each present a magical effect. Secretary Karen Miller started us off by having a spectator successfully guess what color stone her husband bought and put on a necklace for her. Next up was Brandon Ware, our youngest and newest member, a high school senior. He demonstrated how he modified some giant changing cards. Rather than changing from Queen to King he selected something more topical, changing from President Obama to President Reagan. Brandon then proceeded to blow us away with a Shawn Farquhar card effect, modified by Brandon with the assistance of Don Miller. A spectator selected a card from a newly opened box of cards, signed it and returned it to the deck. Using his super power of time travel, Brandon revealed the selected card, returned to a sealed box that was in new deck order except for the chosen card. Dr. Jim Croop then explored the conundrum of “do you need a little nothing, before you have something or a little something before you have nothing” with nothing more than a coin purse frame and a coin that continually jumped in and out of existence from thin air. Your humble scribe followed by performing his version of the Magicsmith floating light bulb. 2nd V.P. Dr. Aaron Kalinowski mesmerized the group with his heart-felt version of the gypsy thread relating how he oversees a healthcare center for the homeless. Although life’s challenges can break you, someone outside of yourself can make you whole once again. Finally, topping off the evening, President Don demonstrated the classic Collector’s Workshop Kiper Kobra (snake in basket).