Veteran's Show
Special Events
30 Oct 2013 12:37 AM
Assembly #31 members and regional VP Steve Spence performed at the Veteran's Home in West Lafayette, IN, along with David Kirby and Irish Joe. Taylor Martin, as Rodney The Younger, mc'd, along with 30 year S.A.M.member Phil Dubbs. This all took place on Oct. 26. About 50 veterans who are residents, plus their families, were in attendance. The show was also streamed to the rest of the hospital for those that could not leave their rooms. David Kirby did his classic magic act with a straight jacket escape, Irish Joe did a set of children's magic, Phil and Steve did closeup before the show, and Taylor performed his famous Bullet, Block, and Ribbon. He also provided the music for the event. All that attended seemed to enjoy the performance. A fine piano player named Linda played patriotic tunes and incidental tunes. We thank David Kirby for arranging the show.